Testing a Set of Bioprotectors against the Genotoxic Effect of a Combination of Ecotoxicants

Boris A. Katsnelson1, Oleg H. Makeev2, 3, Natalya I. Kochneva1, Larissa I. Privalova1, Tamara D. Degtyareva1, Vitaliy A. Bukhantsev2, 3, Vitaliy V. Minin2, 3, Olga Yu. Beresneva2, Tatiana V. Slyshkina1, Svetlana V. Kostyukova2, 3, Evgeniy S. Kulikov2, 3, and Evgeniy I. Dovzhenko2, 3

1 Medical Research Centre for the Prophylaxis and Protection of Occupational Health in Industrial Workers, Ekaterinburg, Russia
2 Ural State Medical Academy
3 Laboratory of Molecular Medical Technologies, Middle-Urals Research Centre of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Government of Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Corresponding author: Professor Boris A. Katsnelson, MD, DSc
    Head, Dept. of Toxicology and Biological Prophylaxis,
    Medical Research Center for Prophylaxis & Health Protection
    30 Popov Str., Ekaterinburg 620014, Russia
    Telephone: 7-343-3718-721
    Fax number: 7-343-3718-740
    E-mails: BKaznelson@ymrc.ru; BKaznelson@etel.ru

CEJOEM 2007, Vol.13. No.3-4.: 251-264

Key words:
genotoxicity, bioprotectors

We found that in rats exposed to subchronic intoxication with a combination of toxic and mutagenic metals (lead-arsenic-chromium-nickel-cadmium), fluoride and benzo(a)pyrene sorbed on activated charcoal, a bioprophylactic complex (BPC) comprising glutamate, pectin enterosorbent, multivitamin and multimineral preparation and calcium additive, reduced the genotoxic effect. The inclusion into the BPC of a bioactive preparation enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids (as precursors of intracellularly formed eicosanoids) enhanced the antigenotoxic action. The results of a special survey in a female population were analysed allowing for earlier established populational and individual risk factors for the development of lung, intestinal and breast cancer to form a group of high cancer risk. In this group we selected women who did not have cancer of any type using targeted medical examination. These volunteers were administered a one-month course of a similar BPC. Tests for DNA damage provided positive dynamics only in the group who received the BPC. Generally, the results of the study make it possible to predict the cancer prevention efficacy of the BPC tested.

Received: 4 May 2008
Accepted: 10 July 2008

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