Health and Safety Executive's Experience of Twinning with EU Applicant Countries

Joan Borley

International Branch, Health and Safety Executive, London, United Kingdom

Corresponding author: Joan Borley
    International Branch, Health and Safety Executive
    2 Southwark Bridge
    London SE1 945 United Kingdom
    Telephone: +44(0)20 7717 6913
    Fax number: +44(0)20 7717 6570

CEJOEM 2001, Vol.7. No.2.:147-150

I have been asked to talk about the Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) experience of twinning with other EU applicant countries (ACs) in the fields of occupational health and safety.
    I will identify what I think are the most important elements for successful twinning; offer some 'post' accession advice; but most importantly take a strategic view: the objective must be to prevent ill health and accidents - not to treat the consequences. Anything else will be regarded as a failure.

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