Abstract: Ten years after the nuclear power plant accident in Chernobyl the experts and the public turned again their attentions to the lesson learned. Several international and national conferences were held to summarize data and to draw conclusions. The present review is based on this experience including that of the Hungarian scientists with special attention to the extent of contamination, early and late health effects and further problems.
The reactors of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
are of the so-called RBMK type, which is the Russian abbreviation for high
productivity channel type design. They have several economic and technical
advantages, though their nuclear safety level is lower than that of other
types. At present 15 of this type of reactors are in operation in the former
member states of the Soviet Union, 11 in Russia, 2 in Ukraine and 2 in
Lithuania. Since the time of the accident the reactor safety features of
these were improved considerably with international co-operation as indicated
by one of the conferences in Table 1. The
No. 1 and 2 reactors in Chernobyl were built between 1970 and 1977, the
No. 3 and 4 were completed in 1983. At the time of the accident two further
reactors were in construction at the same site.
The quantity and distribution of pollution proved to be very heterogenous
both in the soil and in the elements of food chains. This condition was
largely influenced by the rainfalls in the involved regions. The largest
amounts of radioactivity released to the atmosphere were the cesium-137
(85 Pbq), iodine-131 (1760 Pbq) and xenon-133 (6500 Pbq). The extents and
levels of soil contamination are illustrated in Table
2 by a few data from the Chernobyl region and Hungary, too. But
even higher values of cesium-137, were found in the Chernobyl region in
an area of 3100 km2 with more than 1500 kBq per m2
and in an area of 103 000 km2 between 40 and 200 kBq per m2.
Country | Contamination kBq/m2 | Extent km2 | Population involved (million) |
Belarus |
Ukraine |
Russia |
In Hungary the values were between 1 and 100 kBq/m2 distributed very heterogenously |
Due to the great heterogeneity the authorities classified the territories according to their level of contamination as follows:
– zone of occasional control 40–550 kBq per m2 (~1–15 Ci
per km2)
– zone of continuous control 550–1500 kBp per m2 (~15–40
Ci per km2)
– zone of strict control above 1500 kBq per m2 (above 40
Ci per km2).
Hungary got the contamination in two waves. The first release which moved toward North-West from Chernobyl reached Hungary on 29th April passing Scandinavia, Poland and Czechoslovakia and it was washed out from the atmosphere between 29 April and 1 May at the Northern and North-Western region of the country. The second major cloud which started into the Southern direction from Chernobyl has reached Hungary on 7th of May through Romania and Yugoslavia and was washed out by the substantial rainfall on 8th May to the soil, including the pastures. The latter was important as the milk food chain was considered the main route of radiation burden in the early period, when mostly the concentrations of iodine-131, rutenium-103 and the technetium-129m were the highest. Then after a few weeks the radioisotopes of cesium became dominant. As far as the surface contamination is concerned the highest values were presented by the tellurium-132 (60 kBq per m2) in the early phase. The maximum values of iodine-131 were between 20 and 30 kBq per m2 in the first week of May.
The activity concentration values of the most important contributors for long-run, i.e. of the cesium-137 was between 1 and 10 kBq per m2. For comparison: this value in the Alps and South Germany was between 40 and 60 kBq per m2, in some areas of Scandinavia it even reached 100 kBq per m2. At certain inhabited parts of the former Sowiet republics the surface contamination was 1 MBq per m2 or even more than that.
The severity of radiation sickness, in various dose-ranges, i.e. dose
– effect relationship of the deterministic effect of radiation is reflected
in Table 3 where the number of persons, the
various dose-ranges, the death cases and the number of survivors are listed.
Assessed dose | Number of patients | Number of deaths |
6–16 | 21 | 20 |
4–60 | 21 | 07 |
2–40 | 55 | 01 |
<20 | 140* | 00 |
Total | 237* | 28 |
![]() Fig. 1. Increase of frequency of thyroid cancer in children at the most contaminated sites (BfS 1996). |
In the Gomel region of Belorus the thyroid dose of radiation was found very high. There were more than 32 000 children of ages up to 7 years and out of this population the thyroid dose assessment in 300 cases resulted in 10 to 40 Sv, in 3100 cases between 2 and 10 Sv and in 13 900 cases between 0.3 and 2 Sv.
In the frequency of other types of malignant diseases no statistically significant changes were found. Based on the probability values of stochastic radiation effects, however, it can be assessed that the number of leukemic cases will increase. Appr. 200 cases are expected from the population of 3.7 million living at the relevant contaminated areas, and further 200 cases can be expected in the population of liquidators of a group of appr. 200 000 persons working on the stabilization of conditions at the site in 1986–1987. The number of such liquidators have increased to appr. 800 000 during the recent 10 years. The morbidity statistics of these groups might change in the future. The average dose values of the various population groups mentioned are given in Table 4.
It has to be emphasized that various health changes and illnesses were
also detected in the involved population which are not consequences of
radiation but which might otherwise be related to the accident like anxieties,
mental depressions, various psycho-somatic symptoms. Among the etiological
factors beside the accident the profound social and economic alterations
might be mentioned which are also connected with the fall of the former
political structure.
It could also be observed that the average value of dose rate in open air sites in the first year was 40 per cent higher at the North of the Trans-Danubian region, 26 per cent higher at the South of the Trans-Danubian region, 12 per cent higher between the Danube and Tisza rivers and in the Trans-Tisza region than in the earlier 3 years.
The increment had decreased to its half by 1988. After 1992 the dose rate values were higher than the fluctuation of natural background values, only at parts with larger contamination.
The radiation burden of the population was due mainly to the cesium-137
and -134, and iodine-131 radioisotopes. From external sources the urban
population has got in average 150 mSv while from internal sources 60 mSv.
The external exposure of population in villages was in average 300 mSv,
the internal dose was the same as that in the urban population. The weighted
average for the whole population of the country was from external exposure
225 mSv and from internal 90 mSv, i.e. altogether 300 mSv.
![]() Fig. 2. Increases of doses in air until July 1986 in Hungary (Sztanyik 1992). |
Taking into account the probability risk factors of the ICRP (1990)
and the latency period of solid tumours for 10 to 30 years the expected
values of fatal cancer cases are appr. 5 to 15 per year. It has to be mentioned,
however, that out of the population of 10 million, nowadays more than 30
000 persons die due to malignant diseases of various origin yearly. The
unfortunate increasing tendency of frequency of malignant diseases has
begun already before the accident in Chernobyl as shown on Table
5. Neither the leukemic cases, nor the thyroid diseases in children
have increased in Hungary since the accident.
Concerning the risk assessment it has also to be mentioned that there is a great discrepancy between the real and the presumed risk assessment and perception of the population. This raises the necessity of proper and objective information because it might influence the decisions on the acceptance of nuclear technology in energy production as well as the relieving of the people of their unjustified fears.
On the biological effects detailed deeper investigations have began only in the recent years. These involved the flora and fauna. For instance, increased frequency of cytochrom b gene mutations were detected in rodents (Baker et al. 1996) and cytogenetic injuries in bank vole populations (Goncharova and Ryabokon 1995) as compared to those animals living in non-contaminated areas. These are probably due to the radio-iodine and radiocesium contamination, but there are considerable uncertainties in the epidemiological aspects like the freqency values before the accident, the information on population dynamics of these animals, the presence of chemical mutagens. Among plants perdition at large scale were detected on contaminated fields, the inactivation of growth zones, metabolic disorders, cytogenetic and various morphological alterations were already observed (Grodzinsky 1995).
On the human health conditions beside the mentioned stochastic and deterministic effects as well as the psychosomatic effects new data were published. For instance, observations were made on the increase of initial cataracts in children living in contaminated areas (Day et al. 1995). Qualitative and quantitative changes of immunocompetent cells were found, the activation of CD4+ and CD5+, the proportion of CD4+/CD8+, increased ratio of T suppressor:killer cells (Oradovskaya et al. 1995). There is an increase in the frequency of autoimmune inflammation of thyroid glands among children at strongly radioiodine-contaminated areas (Poverenny et al. 1995). The increase of frequency of p53 tumor suppressor gene mutations were observed in children with thyroid cancer (Hillebrandt et al. 1996). Satellite mutations were demonstrated in gonad cells of children from Belorus, though no known health effects are attributed to these mutations (Dubrova et al. 1996).
In the sera of liquidators a so-called “clastogenic factor” was observed although not identified chemically until now which might play a role in the increased level of chromosome aberrations (Oganesian 1995).
The international meetings identified certain priorities of tasks for national and international bodies as follows:
– the injured persons have to be treated for many years;
– the emergency preparedness has to be developed further;
– the accident has turned the attention to improvement of reactor safety,
medical handling, intervention criteria, information flow, radioecological
– it became obvious that the research and development works need internationally
coordinated efforts as the consequences of accidents transgress political
The examples listed suggest that further research activities and analyses are needed to study and reveal the biological effects. It was also concluded that further medical-biological research is needed for the better handling of radiation accident patients both on diagnostic and therapeutic fields.
As a final conclusion, it can be drawn that in the history of our modern industrialized world there were already several catastrophes comparable in consequences with the Chernobyl accident. But the latter was taken more seriously due to the involvement of ionising radiation. It caused not only health effects, and also physical, industrial and economic detriments but it caused long-term consequences in social and economic conditions, psychological stress effects and the alteration of images of applicability of nuclear energy.
This might last long. Nevertheless, it has to be admitted that the international
community could react quickly and based on the gained experience it is
prepared for even improved responses to similar challenges if such cases
might occur again.
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